As of the latest manga chapter of onepiece it is official that the whole cake island arc ended. Since the whole cake island arc ended it is confirm that strawhats and tank pirates will have increase in their bounties. Bege's bounty might increase to 500 million belli just like how Trafalgar law's bounty increased when dressrossa arc ended. Even though he was not involved directly in most of the fights with the big mom pirates it has already been officially declared and known to all that tank pirates betrayed the big mom pirates and helped strawhats take down big mom pirates and save sanji and vinsmoke family. Since "Big News" Morgans was there in the wedding and witnessed everything that happened there, it is sure that he will report everything. That is the only reason why i believe bege will have his bounty increased as well. As for the strawhats it is for sure that they will have their bounty increased and that too in huge number as they got involved with yonko this time. Even when they took down warlords they had huge increments in their bounty. I believe there will be huge increment in their bounty even though they did not take down yonko but still they defeated two of bigmom's sweet commander with katakuri having bounty of more than a billion belli. The straw hats currently have total bounty of over

1. Chopper:
Chopper currently has bounty of

2. Nami:
Nami has been shown to be very brave and strong after the time skip. She helped the minks during Zou arc and in this arc also she was able to control Zeus, I dont think that without nami's help luffy could have taken down Cracker at all. She helped luffy take cracker down. She was also responsible for capturing Brulee. I think her character has gotten stronger after time skip. She has a bounty of

3. Brook:
Brook is the real star and the main hero of the whole cake island arc. He not only fought with
Bigmom but obtained road poneglyph from big mom pirates and was even able to break mother
caramel's photo. His bounty will have a huge increment as well. His current bounty is

and his bounty will increase from

4. Sanji:
We all know that sanji was the main reason behind this arc. Since sanji was the main person that
was being focused in this arc, i believe he will have huge increment in his bounty as he did not have huge
increment like zoro and ussop as they were involved in fights during dressrossa arc. I believe Sanji
will have his bounty increased from

He will have this huge increment since it will also be announced that sanji is one of the vinsmoke.
His relation with vinsmoke family might also boost his bounty.
5. Luffy:
There are many people that believe that luffy will have bounty above 1 billion belli but i don't believe
that. Luffy currently has bounty of

6. Nico Robbin:
Robin has a bounty of

7. Franky:
Franky currently has a bounty of

8. Ussop:
Ussop currently has a bounty of

9. Zoro:
Zoro is having the second highest bounty in the crew currently. He has a bounty of

10. Jinbe:
Even though its uncertain if jinbe will survive or not it has already been confirmed that jinbe has joined the strawhats. It's just a matter of if he will survive the fight against bigmom or not. Knowing oda i think he will survive. He currently has a bounty of

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