12. Killer
Killer also referred to as “Massacre
Soldier” is a member of the Kid Pirates.Killer has also been shown as a Swordsman just like Zoro who is also a Vice Captain of Strawhat Pirates. His style of fighting
seems to rely mainly on agility and speed, and has unique style of fighting. He was
capable of fighting head on with the fellow Supernova Urouge. Killer is seen using a pair
of scythe-bladed weapons attached to his armbands that are capable of
spinning around or being used as hand scythes. After the timeskip, his
bounty has been raised from 162,000,000 to 200,000,000. As very less of killer has been shown and observing powers of other supernovas it is sure that he is the weakest among all other supernovas.
11. Scratchmen Apoo
Scratchman Apoo is the first member of potential long arm tribe and and captain of
the On Air Pirates. Scratchmen Apoo is a martial artist . His
fighting stance generally consists of him waving his hands in front of
him like a DJ. He appears to have a Devil Fruit connected with music.After the time skip, his bounty has been raised
from 198,000,000 to 350,000,000. He is placed 11th on this ranking just based on the fact that we havenot seen much of him in action. It has also not been revealed yet if apoo can use haki or not.As a captain of a pirate crew and member of worst generation it would be weird if he doesnot have haki. The other members of worst generation have proved multiple times that they are powerful indeed hence Apoo is place in the 11th spot.
10. Jewelry Bonney
Jewelry Bonney is the captain of the Bonney Pirates and prior to the two-year timeskip had a bounty of 140,000,000. Bonney exhibits unexplained abilities that appear to come from a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that involves age manipulation. She can alter the ages of herself and others, rapidly aging her intended targets into their senior years or regressing them into small children. As a result of this ability, accurately determining her true age is difficult. Jewelry bonney is a very interesting character that seems to play vital role in onepiece storyline as she got invloved with both akainu as well as blackbeard in the storyline. Like i have mentioned before i believe that jewelry bonney has a very fearsome devilfruit power and that is the potential reason why even akainu mentioned that he got chills after he came to know that bonney had escaped and he himself arrived to get her arrested.
9. Basil Hawkins
Basil Hawkins known as the “Magician” is the captain of the Hawkins Pirates. His previous known bounty amounted to 249,000,000, but after the timeskip it was raised to 320,000,000. Basil Hawkins as-of-yet unnamed Devil Fruit ability enables him to redirect any instances of physical damage inflicted upon him to another person using straw voodoo dolls, leaving him unharmed but forcing his victim to take damage amounting to what he would have. The Devil Fruit also enables him to transform into a giant scarecrow-like entity, resembling a giant voodoo doll, with metal nails functioning as claws/fingernails. Just like i mentioned in the hawkins theory that is in this page i believe that hawkins has a mythical zoan devil/ancient zoan just like X-Drake,Marco etc.
8. Trafalgar D. Water Law

Law is the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. After he was
expelled from the Shichibukai, Law’s bounty was raised
to 500,000,000. Law is the user of a Devil Fruit called the Ope Ope no Mi,
which allows him to create a spherical territory of light blue aura. In
this territory, he is capable of separating and spatially displacing
anything and everything inside (including himself), referred to as that
he can “operate” on anything within the spherical “operating room”.
Easily among the most versatile Devil Fruits around, with his powers,
Law is capable of causing mass havoc within the area he controls. Law
appears to have mastered his power to such a great extent, that he can
even cut through someone who completely imbued their body in Busoshoku
Haki.Ope Ope no Mi has been called the “Ultimate Devil Fruit”. Infact it has the unique power to grant another person eternal youth in exchange for the current user’s life. Even though law is powerful but in the fight against Doflamingo i kinda felt like he is not strong as per his bounty. Just like many other characters in onepiece i believe law has a high bounty because he has a excellent devil fruit ability , he was a warlord for certain time and their alliance defeated doflamingo.
7. Capone “Gang” Bege
Bege, is the captain of the Fire Tank Pirates. Sometime during the
timeskip, his bounty increased from 138,000,000 to 300,000,000. He ate
the Shiro Shiro no Mi,
a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows him to create and maintain a
dimensional fortress inside his body. He can house a massive force of
subordinates within his body, as well as horses and cannons.Capone is a very witty and notorious pirate as per the story narrated by jinbei. We have already been shown how he plans and thinks, I believe he is strong not just based on his ability but has guts and is very clever.
6. Roronoa Zoro
Zoro is an extremely powerful swordsman, who is a fan favorite character. He has immense superhuman physical prowess, particularly his strength and agility. His powerlevel after the time skip seems to to be above vice admirals and could even fight and withstand against admiral.Zoro has already shown us that he too has mastered all three forms of haki. He is also very skilled in the use of Kenbunshoku Haki. He currently has a bounty of 320,000,000. Even though zoro has shown us his power he has yet to show us his full power.We still havenot been revealed as to what zoro is hiding behind his left eye.
5. X Drake
X Drake is is the son of the Marine-turned-pirate Diez Barrel. Currently, he and his crew are affiliated with the Beasts Pirates. Pior to the two-year timeskip he had a bounty of 222,000,000. He possesses a “rare, Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit” that gives him the ability to transform into a dinosaur. We were already given some hints of his power and even before the timeskip he was powerful enough to directly wound one of the Pacifista troops by biting it in the head, something that is quite difficult due to the cyborg’s heavy armor, even other supernovas struggled in doing so. Drake has also shown that he is capable of using Busoshoku Haki when he easily defeated Caribou, a Logia user.
4. Eustass Kid
Eustass Kid is the captain of the Kid Pirates. Sometime during the timeskip, his bounty was raised from 315,000,000 to 470,000,000. He possesses a Devil Fruit power connected to magnetism. This manifests in two different abilities, both depicting repulsion and attraction of metals within his vicinity to be used as weapons. Kid has always shown to be aggresive character and was having highest bounty among all supernovas before the timeskip. I believe Kid is very powerful and can also use all three forms of haki.
3. Urouge
Urouge, also known as Mad Monk is a pirate from a sky island and is the captain of the Fallen Monk Pirates. Prior to the two-year timeskip he had a bounty of 108,000,000. Urouge was strong enough to defeat one of Big Mom’s Four Sweet Commanders, who are second only to her in strength and authority amongst the elite pirate crew, although he was later defeated by another one of her Commanders, Charlotte Cracker. However despite his defeat, Urouge managed to survive and retreat. Urouge ate a Devil Fruit that allows him to convert damage inflicted onto him into strength, to the point of increasing his muscle and body size. Using this ability he was able to exceed a Pacifista’s body size and actually damage its body with punches, although he was still vulnerable to their lasers.
2. Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy is the son of the Revolutionary leader Monkey D. Dragon, the grandson of the Marine hero Monkey D. Garp and the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He currently has a bounty of 500,000,000. Luffy gained extraordinary stretching and elastic powers from eating the Gomu Gomu no Mi .Luffy is able to use all three forms of haki and now after fight with katakuri he has also been shown to have advanced observation haki. We already know how powerful he is as he is the main character of the storyline. Luffy has proved countless times that he is powerful. After timeskip he has already defeated a warlord and two of bigmom commanders that no one among the supernova has been able to achieve. Except blackbeard who has defeated of some of whitebeards commanders.
1. Marshall D. Teach
Marshall D. Teach, also known as Blackbeard, is an immensely powerful pirate even for a (former) member of the Whitebeard Pirates and Shichibukai.Blackbeard has become the first and, so far, only user to wield the powers of two Devil Fruits at the same time. With the power of darkness (Yami Yami no Mi), which “reduces anything to nothingness”, and the power of quakes (Gura Gura no Mi), which “brings destruction to everything”, Blackbeard claims himself to be truly invincible and the strongest of them all.