A Blog about Anime Onepiece that basically contains OnePiece Theories and OnePiece Related Articles.
Saturday, 17 February 2018
OnePiece| Gear 4th Snake Man Attacks Ranked
Gear 4th that is luffy's most powerful gear in the current context of Onepiece has been shown to be very powerful as it consumes large amount of Haki. But, it has not been specified as too how many forms does Gear 4th have. Till now we have been shown three Gear 4th form named Pound Man, Tank Man and Snake Man from the recent onepiece manga. Each of luffy's gear seems to be inspired from the animals that were in the forest during the 2 years training that he did with Rayleigh. The names of the attack of gear 4th are also mainly based on animals and this still continues as the attacks from his Gear 4th Snake Man has also been shown. Based on his name we can already tell that his attacks are all based on snakes and has also named all his attacks on snakes. Snakes are mainly considered dangerous due to them being extremely poisonous. There are many snakes that are not poisonous but when we think of a snake then we usually think poisonous ones. Since all the snakes mentioned in his attacks are widely known, I believe we can also classify his attacks power level based on the snakes danger level. They are classified from No.1 being the most powerful to No.4 being least powerful among all four attacks.
1. Python -The Pythonidae, commonly known simply as pythons, from the Greek word python , are a family of nonvenomous snakes. They are some of the largest snakes in the world. Even though they are not venomous they have potential of killing big animals and human beings as well with the help of their large body. They usually kill their prey by wrapping themselves around the prey's body and suffocating them till their death. They can stretch for long distances while shifting around, just like how Luffy's punch reaches long distances and distort. It is genius of Echiro Oda to name a move with a snakes name that fits the character properly. But based on other snakes that are on the list I believe that it is the most weakest attack among other moves of Snake Man.
2. Culverin - When you think of Culverin it simply appears to be the name of a type of cannon, which does fit Luffy's pattern of naming his attacks after weapons. However, it will not fully make sense to why it would come under Gear 4th Snake Mans attack as name of cannon would usually fit with Luffy's other gears. But if you research more deeply, you'll realize the word comes from the French Couleuvre or snake (specifically common grass-dwelling snakes), which in turn comes from Latin colubra, also snake. It is a poisonous snake unlike python that is why i believe that it is powerful in compared to python.
3. Black Mamba - The black mamba is yet another type of snake, one of the most dangerous snake out there and quiet possibly the fastest species of snake in the world, reaching up to 11km/h (7mph), almost as quick as a sprinting human. As told by luffy it makes complete sense now as to how this gear makes him much faster in compared to his other gears.This power makes it fitting that Luffy named his gatling variation on this species, because not only it is deadly, but also incredibly quick, making it incredibly hard to dodge its swift attacks. Black mamba is an extremely poisonous snake that can kill its prey within some minute. As the attack is named after one of the deadliest snake and plus makes him much more faster in attacking i believe that it is second powerful attack of Snake Man.
4. King Cobra - King Cobra which is also referred to as the king of all snakes, the King Cobra is known for being the absolute longest venomous snake, usually reaching 4 meters (13 feet) of length and in special cases even up to 5 or 6 meters! (17-20 feet). It is considered to be the most dangerous snake in compared to all the snakes mentioned above. Given how some cultures recognize it as the king of all snakes and the fact that it can extend to such lengths, it makes complete sense to be Snake man's ultimate attack.
Sunday, 4 February 2018
Onepiece| Future Allies of Strawhats
As we are heading much more into the yonko saga we are getting introduced much more powerful characters. We have already got a view of some yonko and their commander's, They are extremely powerful and are nothing like what strawhats have fought before. We can already guess that strawhats themselves will not be able to defeat pirates in the new world specially yonko as they have already messed up with 3 out of 4 yonkos. As Shanks is the 4th yonko, we can easily say that there wont be fight between the Strawhat Pirates and Redhair Pirates. Luffy has already started fight with Bigmom and is currently fighting with the Bigmom Pirates in both the Manga as well as Anime, Luffy has also pissed off Kaido by defeating Doflamingo and the next arc after Wholecake Island Arc is the Wano Kuni Arc as confirmed by Mr.Echiro Oda creator of OnePiece, So we will be seeing strawhats pirates in action with kaido in the next arc. Another Yonko that we will be seeing Strawhats fight is the BlackBeard Pirates, As per the story line of Onepiece we can already guess that Blackbeard and Akainu will be fighting Luffy soon as Akainu was responsible for killing Ace and Blackbeard was responsible for Ace's death as well. Blackbeard has been shown to be a very strange and evil character so it would not surprise if he would be the last villain in the onepiece story line.
Whitebeard was the one who showed us the true power of a Yonko when he fought against the marines in Marineford war. Based on whitebeard's power we can already guess that it would be a very difficult task for Strawhats to defeat a yonko, as even the Admiral's fear them. We have also been shown glimpses of Bigmom's Power and based on what we have seen Luffy wont be able to defeat Bigmom in his current state alone. I am one among few people who believe that strawhat's will require some allies in order to defeat yonko. We also saw how hard it was for luffy to defeat Sweet Commander Snack, to be fair he was also assisted by nami in that fight as she helped making snack's biscuit barrier softer so that luffy could feast on it and get energy and that might be the only reason why luffy was able to defeat Snack, he got his ass kicked in the recent manga chapters by Strongest commander of Bigmom Pirates, Dogtooth. Based on these facts it is extremely hard for luffy to beat yonko without either evolving his Haki or by introducing another gear.
We have already been shown that luffy has got some allies already as there was a strawhat grand fleet formation just after the dressrossa arc, Heart Pirates and Strawhat Pirates are already allied to take down kaido and after seeing Luffy and Trafalgar Law bond it is also possible that law will help luffy later in onepiece story line as well. In order to take down Bigmom Tank Pirates and Strawhats have allied as well, It is not still clear if Capone is interested in helping luffy or not as he has been shown to be a very obnoxious and doubtful character, But based on what we have seen luffy do in the past i believe Capone will tie allies with strawhats in the future as well. I believe so because of what Mihawk said in marineford that Luffy possess most powerful weapon and that is power of converting all enemy's around into his allies. Wano Kuni is believed to start after the Wholecake Island arc as said by the creator, hence we might also get introduced to Kaido really soon. We have not seen Kaido's power yet but based on his character introduction and fact that Bigmom referred to him as a 'Thing', I believe he would be nothing like facing other yonko and most hard among all to deal with. I believe X-Drake, Kid , Hawkins and Apoo will also tie allies with law and luffy in order to take down kaido as kid has already lost to kaido and is locked inside a prison right now, X- Drake seems to have tied allies with Kaido up until now but I don't think that he will be fighting for kaido as he has similar reasons to Law. Just like how corazon was killed by doflamingo, Drake's father was also killed by doflamingo and because doflamingo is connected to kaido law wants to beat kaido, i believe drake also wants to do the same and avenge his father. Apart from supernovas, I believe that Marco will also help luffy in the future as Cat Viper Neckomamushi is on his way to find Marco hence, the mink tribe and marco will also get involved in future fights of the strawhats. Last but not the least like many people shanks and revolutionary might also help luffy as well in the near future. I know that there are lot of people that i think will tie allies with strawhat's, but if you think more then it will be extremely necessary for luffy to tie allies with them in order for him to defeat the yonko, world government and lastly become the pirate king.
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